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View State

View that displays different content based on its state.

banner-View State
Component Status Details

Status component contains a list of checks and completeness that has been tested and owned by each component

check-list-icon We don't use color as the only visual tool to convey information.
check-list-icon The component’s structure and properties include relevant options such as variant, style, size, orientation, optional iconography, decorations, selection, error state, etc.check-list-icon The title is the component name that uses the frame base component template.check-list-icon The base component name contains: .Base & "Component Name" if there is more than one.check-list-icon All component properties use the Legion foundation.
check-list-icon We can change all the parts that are connected to the component base.check-list-icon The inside of the base component remains connected to the master component.check-list-icon All variant options are not damaged when we change from one to another.check-list-icon Overriding changes to components will not reset other variants.
check-list-icon Component's already has component specs documentation.



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The most fundamental component for building a UI, View is a container that supports layout with flexbox, style, some touch handling, and accessibility controls. Extends react native view.

Legion provides 4 different kinds of view, depending on how you want the styling to be handled.


Extends react native view, the default view by Legion

import { View } from '@my/ui';


An optional base for creating flex-based layouts. XStack, YStack and ZStack. They extend directly off the View

view react native
import React from 'react'
import { XStack, YStack, ZStack } from '@legion-crossplatform/ui'
export function StacksDemo() {
return (
<XStack maxWidth={250} padding="$2" alignSelf="center" space>


An example using a wider array of style properties

import { Text, XStack, YStack } from '@legion-crossplatform/ui'
export default () => (
backgroundColor: 'red',

Style props

Stack/Views are the building blocks of many components in legion-crossplatform. Their props are extended and can be used in other components.

An example of how to use the style props:

import { View } from '@legion-crossplatform/ui'
const MyView = () => (
backgroundColor: 'green'

The full types style props can be read here :

import { ViewStyle as RNViewStyle } from 'react-native'
type BaseViewStyle = RNViewStyle & FlatTransformStyles & WebOnlyStyles
// these are accepted but only render on web:
type WebOnlyStyles = {
contain?: Properties['contain']
touchAction?: Properties['touchAction']

Style props order

Style props are sensitive to their order - a feature that without which would leave us with impossible styling challenges and awkward rules of inheritence we’re trying to get away from with CSS in JS


Stack props accept every prop from react-native-web View component. As well as the style props. These props are extended into many components built from View or Stack.

fullscreenbooleanSets position: absolute, top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0.