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Guide for installing Legion to your development



Already have at least these below:

  • Nodejs v16 or above, if you are using multiple versions of node, we recommend using nvm to manage its version
  • Node Package Manager v8 or above
  • Yarn v1.22.19 or above


Proxy and Authentication

Since Legion V2, we move out and retire the older package manager that uses Nexus and move in to Package & Registries built in from our private GitLab.

Other changes occurred is having it scoped now, rather than doing an infrastructure level installation.

  1. Create .npmrc file to your project.

  2. Follow the step here in order to create your authorization token needed in the .npmrc, otherwise, you can skip this step and continue to step number 3.

  3. Write down following script regarding package authorization:


Fill the XXXXXXXXXXXX with given credentials you receive from the request process.

  1. After that with either one of your package manager.
# npm
npm install @emotion/react @emotion/styled @legion-ui/core @legion-ui/dates
# yarn
yarn add @emotion/react @emotion/styled @legion-ui/core @legion-ui/dates